Best Chicago Psychic Edward Shanahan, Medium, Entertainer and author.

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About Edward Shanahan - Chicago Psychic Reader.

Edward Shanahan
is a Chicago Psychic Reader - Medium - Paranormal Spirit Feeler and Spiritualist. Edward was awarded the Best Psychic in Chicago 2012. He provides entertaining Psychic House and Corporate Parties along with private individual readings at his office in Cicero, IL; and at times he does readings at public locations for fundraising or entertaining people. He also is a Paranormal Host providng paranormal nights in the Chicago land area and at times out of state.

Chicago Psychic Reader and Spirit Feeler, Edward Shanahan during a public location psychic fair reading

Edward is a lifetime resident of Burbank, IL. In 1968 at the age of 10 while at the Ford City Shopping Mall with his mother, they both were in a New Age store back then and the store had glass display cases full of Tarot Cards, Crystals, Incense, Pendulums and much more.

There was one thing among all of the rest in the glass display cases that caught Edward's attention and his desire to own as he read the description about what it was used for. Edward asked his mother if she would buy him the 'Black Mirror' as he was drawn to it. His mother said he was not ready for it yet. That was then, today he does own a Black Mirror.

Chicago Psychic Medium and awarded Best Psychic in Chicago, Edward Shanahan

Edward Shanahan has been gifted the name 'Sun Ray' by a Native American Indian and her Spirit Guides do to his spiritual connection, beliefs & abilities. From experiencing the paranormal location and having experiences with it at the age of 16 in 1974 at Bachelor's Grove Cemetery to assisting others with spirit communication today.

Edward is an old soul and a firm believer in 'Internal Spiritual Knowledge' as he calls it, meaning spiritual knowledge is within us from the Spiritual World, as we came from there and will return to it again. He attempts to assist individuals in opening up to it with his 'Circle of Energy' spirit communication circle at paranormal active locations, house parties if communication is desired or his future workshops.

Edward's personal knowledge of his abilities manifested from one thing to another and at times he was being guided by the Spiritual World with some of the new discoveries of his abilities. That is how his Circle of Energy came about years ago on land that was once land that Native Americans lived on in Willow Springs, IL.

Healing Miracles are something he has total belief in as he has experienced it and has helped others experience it for either themselves or their love ones. Edward has been written about in a book and also the Southtown Star Newspaper do to his experience with healing miracles and he believes in and has done hands on healing also. The healing comes from the Spiritual World, as the healer / individual is a conduit for the energy being passed on to the one seeking the healing or prayers for healing.

Edward is not one for the teacher that tries to push 'this is how you are supposed to do it' when it comes to any type of class. He never went to a class to learn the 'proper' way of doing what he does. He had very old soul individuals that did guide him and where there for answers and to discuss what he was experiencing in his personal discovery of his Internal Spiritual Knowledge.

Edward is a Spiritual and Intuitive Coach and has always felt that what works for one individual, is what works for that individual and that specific way that one does it, should not be pushed on to others as the only way it should be done. The fact is that we are all different, the best teachers he feels are those who are willing to guide an individual in their search to discover what Spiritual Knowledge and abilities are inside the individual. That is how he plans to do his workshops in the future, assisting the individuals in discovering what works for them.

He is certified in both Law of Attraction and as a Life Coach with Global Sciences Foundation and also in Pendulum Programming to assist individuals in seeking a change and to better their self.

Edward Shanahan has written two books and they can be found on this web site. They are: 'Taking The Paranormal and Spiritual World Seriously, Theories - Thoughts - Experiences' and 'My Letter To God.

Edward has created two free online magazines and they are: 'Paranormal & Spiritual World News' and 'Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Tribute'. Both magazines he is constantly adding to them.

Edward writes for the Internet web sites: Chicago Now and Examiner. In 2013 he created a free Chicago Ghost Tour App with 16 locations of the S.W. Side that includes photos and audio for each stop. You can also find the 16 locations on Pinterest.

Edward is the publisher of the free daily online newspaper called 'The Paranormal and Spirit World'. He is also the radio host of The Unexplained World - Internet radio show / podcast with his co-host Annette and has been a featured show since 2006.

Edward was first written about in other author's books with the first one in 2003, being the book 'Voices From The Chicago Graves' and again in September 2005, his knowledge and feelings about the paranormal locations in Willow Springs, Ashbary Coffee House and Rico D's Pizza Ristorante are published in the book 'Encyclopedia Of Haunted Places '.

In 2012 came the book 'Chicago Haunts 3' that had him in it do to his knowledge of the Chicago area suburban haunted locations. Then in 2013 came the book 'Haunted Asylums' as Edward was given a letter by a woman that as a child would go to Manteno State Asylum and wait for her mother to finish work, and she explained what she witnessed as a child, Edward allowed the author to publish the letter. In 2014 Edward is part of a documentary called 'The Real Bachelor's Grove Cemetery - a documentary'.

Edward Shanahan has been the one to discover the haunted Chicago locations and thier spirits at: Senator John Humphrey House, Al Capone’s Cullerton Hotel, Valentine’s Chicago Boys and Girls Club, Mayor White’s Home, Orland Antique Store / home. Chicago paranormal ghost tours have had Edward as their guest on the tours do to his ability to assist individuals experiencing the spirits of the locations.

Edward has been interviewed on WLIP AM 1050 radio station in Chicago and WGN radio in Chicago and many Internet radio shows throughout the years. Hear the WGN Broadcast here.

He has been written about in the Chicago Tribune's Red Eye featured Friday night location /event in Chicago, Time Out Chicago magazine, Chicago Sun Times, Southtown Star Newspaper, News Harold Newspapers, WTTW TV, Orland Park Prairie Newspaper and other local papers do to his knowledge and abilities.

Meaningful experiences by Chicago Spirit Feeler Edward Shanahan.

To be offered to touch another person's hand, is an honor. To be able to touch their heart, is a gift given. To be able to touch their soul, is a blessing of trust. ~ Edward Shanahan

Being a Chicago Spirit Feeler, Medium, Paranormal Host and Psychic Reader, meaningful experiences is when I can bring closure for a person who has lost a love one.

When I am asked to call someone at my cost, who is dying, to bring them comfort and attempt to erase their fears. When someone brings me an item of a love one who has passed away and I am able to confirm their thoughts on the way they died or killed.

When I take an individual to the Miracle Child's Grave Site, as they asked me to accompany them to pray for a miracle. When with out anyone knowing, I lay my hands on an ill person and pray for them.

When I can open the door for someone to open their self up to sit in front of everyone and experience the Spirit World and is one of the things I raised the bar on my self with. There is more to me then what many see, but yet some have seen it.

"Never Forget Where You Came From - To Keep You Motivated So You Never Return" ~ Edward Shanahan

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Haunted American Tours - Huge Web Site - The Name Says it all.

Edward and Annette's: The Unexplained World -
Internet radio podcast.

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